
trials and tribulations of having an eating disorder/bulimia

Archive for the tag “relationship”

Choices, Choices

So I’m sitting here, cruising facebook–oh, and speaking of facebook, all of you, my faithful readers, should get everyone on your contact list to read and follow my blog…I’m just sayin–so I’m cruising facebook and eating a plum. A really, really juicy plum. A mighty yummy plum. OK, so I’m not hungry, but when has that stopped me before? But here is the amazing thing:

I made a choice.

Um, Moms, you didn’t mention another option, ergo there is no choice. Hold on, my friends (at this point we are friends, right?), I’m getting the other thing that was equally within easy grasp.

See, in my kitchen I have two counters that are directly opposite each other. On one counter there is a bag of plums. On the other counter is a milky way candy bar, one of my favorites that I bought one week ago. (The one and ONLY reason I haven’t already eaten it was I left it in my husband’s car. Why he didn’t eat it is the million dollar question.) Anyway…

Candy bar on counter A, plum on counter B. I took the plum. The fact that I’m not really hungry is not the reason because that has never stopped me before. The fact that I’ve already eaten a ton today (surprise dear reader, I haven’t; maybe some alien force from the planet “Don’t Eat-A-Lot” has taken over my body) is not the reason because that also has never stopped me before. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, I don’t know why.

Will it happen the next time?
Will I be good or bad?
Is the plum the start of a long-term relationship?

Or is it a one-night-stand?

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